Personal account information

  • How can I register?

    To register, go to the main page and click on 'Register.' Complete all required fields and click the register button.

  • How do I start mining a coin?

    To start mining a coin, select your desired coin and adjust the slider to your preferred percentage, with 100 percent representing the maximum for all coins.

  • What should I do if I forget my account login?

    If you forget your login, use your email to log in.

  • Can I create multiple accounts?

    Creating more than one account is prohibited, as such accounts may result in suspension.

  • How can I deposit funds into my account?

    Sign in, go to the dashboard, and select 'Deposit' from the menu. Choose the desired currency, and a wallet address will be provided for cryptocurrency deposits. The deposit will be credited within an hour.

  • What should I do if I forget my account password?

    Click 'Forgot password' on the login form to reset it.

  • What is the minimum withdrawal amount?

    Minimum withdrawal amounts vary for different cryptocurrencies, such as 0.0008 BTC, 12 MATIC, 1.2 DOT, 850000 SHIB, 0.26 ETC, 20 ADA, 40 XRP, 0.07 BCH, 0.15 LTC, 1.35 LINK, 0.008 ETH, 10 USDT, 150 DOGE, 0.16 ZEC, 150 TRX, and more.

  • Under what circumstances can my account be suspended?

    An account may be suspended for reasons such as creating multiple accounts, providing invalid information during account creation, or attempting fraudulent activities on the platform.

  • Which cryptocurrencies are accepted?

    We accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Matic, Polkadot, Shiba Inu, Ethereum Classic, Cardano, Ripple, and more.

Questions abputs wallets and currenciess

  • What are the potential daily earnings?

    Earnings can range from 2% to 7% daily, depending on user levels determined by purchased mining power.

  • What are the prices for VH/s?

    The price for VH/s is 1 cent per 1 VH/s.

  • What is the minimum withdrawal amount?

    Minimum withdrawal amounts are specified for various cryptocurrencies, such as 0.0008 BTC, 12 MATIC, 1.2 DOT, 850000 SHIB, 0.26 ETC, 20 ADA, 40 XRP, 0.07 BCH, 0.15 LTC, 1.35 LINK, 0.008 ETH, 10 USDT, 150 DOGE, 0.16 ZEC, 150 TRX, and more.

  • How quickly are withdrawals processed?

    Withdrawal requests are manually processed by operators and typically completed within 5-30 minutes, though some cases may take up to 48 hours.

  • How do I deposit funds and purchase power?

    Log in, go to the deposit page, select your desired currency, and send cryptocurrency to the provided wallet address. Deposits are credited within 1 hour, and power is automatically credited.

  • What is the minimum deposit amount?

    There is no minimum deposit amount.

  • Why haven't I received my payment/deposit?

    Power is automatically credited to your balance once your deposit is credited to the platform wallet.

  • For how long is the acquired power valid?

    The power you acquire remains with your account indefinitely.

  • How does the reinvest function work?

    Simply select the coin you want to reinvest in and enter the desired amount.

  • What is the process for withdrawing funds?

    Log in, go to the Mining page, click the Withdraw button, select your desired currency, specify the withdrawal amount, and enter your wallet address.

Affilliate Program Questions

  • How much power do I receive from invited people?

    The project offers a two-level affiliate program with referral link details available in the 'Referral' section.

  • When can I withdraw funds without investing?
  • How much do I receive for deposits made by my referrals?

    First-level partners receive 15% in USDT, while second-level partners receive 5% in USDT from deposits.

  • What is a random bonus?

    Random bonuses are available immediately after registration and every six hours.

  • How do I receive a registration bonus?

    The registration bonus, in the form of mining power (VH/s), is credited automatically.